
Why do you need a website?

Have you recently been looking for a therapist or a nice restaurant? Most people, and you probably too, start their search online. As a business, you can only be found this way if you have a website. Furthermore, your website should be attractive, modern and professional, to ensure a good first impression with your future customers.
But a website can also be much more than just an online business card. You want to organise events and get people to sign up? You want to sell your products online? You want to create a member database and keep your customers regularly informed of what's new in your business? You want to maintain a blog to share all kinds of things with your customers? You want your customers to fill in surveys or tests? All this and so much more can be done via your own website. And honestly: it looks so much more professional to communicate with your customers from an address than from a gmail or hotmail address, doesn't it?

What is the cost of a website?

Convinced of how useful a website can be? Then the next logical question is: what will it cost? Since each project and business is unique, it's difficult to put a standard price on it. If we do, you risk to either pay for things you don't need or to miss out on functionalities that are absolutely necessary for your project. That's why at JVP Web Solutions, we choose to first listen to what you need and, based on that, propose the formula and corresponding cost that fits your project. You will always know in advance what to expect and have the opportunity to adjust the formula if it doesn't fit your budget or wishes.
Below you will find an indication of the cost depending on the category your project falls into. Starting with the fixed costs that always come with a website, followed by an indication of the cost according to the category of your website.

Fixed costs

To make your website accessible from around the world, you need two things: server space (to run your website) and a domain name that suits your business (the website address). You can obtain these yourself from a provider like Alfanet or Combell. If you haven't purchased any of these yet, you can also get them through us at advantageous prices, or we can advise you on choosing the package that fits your project. The cost of this obviously depends on how heavy your website needs to be, but you should expect to pay around €60 to €120 per year*.

Informative basic website

The perfect choice for a starter or someone with a side business. An online showcase that displays who you are and what you do exactly, all at a low cost. Together with you, we design one or more pages and integrate your online identity (logo, colors, photos, social media, etc.). After delivery, you cannot make any changes to this website yourself. We can, however, still make small adjustments for you if needed. For an informative basic website, you should expect a one-time cost of €150 to €250*.

Functional Pro website

Ideal for small businesses or enterprises. An affordable, professional website that exudes reliability, increasing your visitors' trust. Customers often associate a professional-looking website with a trustworthy company, which enhances your brand's credibility. In addition to designing one or more pages, we work together to identify exactly what your business needs. Think of a blog, organizing events, accepting online payments, etc. After delivery, you can make some adjustments yourself and, of course, you can also rely on our services for small changes. For a functional professional website, you should expect a one-time cost of €300 to €500*.

Full-fledged Expert website

For the small business or enterprise that needs more than just a website. As professional and reliable as a Pro website, but with a lot more functionalities, transforming your website into a true web portal for your business. This way, you can expand your website with an online store, a calendar, member management, sub-sites, or any other functionality your business requires. All of this is made accessible from the homepage of your web portal. Even more than for the other categories, the cost depends significantly on your needs. Therefore, we will thoroughly determine what you need and agree on a price in advance. We do not deviate from this. Budget on a cost starting from €500*.

Wat is always included?

Regardless of the type of website you need, you can always count on the following services:

  • Advice on choosing and communicating with a provider
  • Getting your website online
  • One or more email addresses for your domain name. These can be managed independently or forwarded to an existing address
  • Small adjustments after delivery (less than 15 minutes/week) are always performed for free
  • Regular backups of your website

What happens after delivery?

The launch of a website is considered a project at JVP Web Solutions. This means that after delivery, theoretically the collaboration ends. We provide you with all necessary login details, passwords, and clear instructions to manage your site yourself, and then it's up to you.
Does this mean you're completely on your own from then on? Of course not! We ensure that what has been delivered continues to work, and small adjustments (less than 15 minutes per week) can still be performed for free. Additionally, we offer several plans where we take on (part of) the management of your website. For this, you should budget between €20 and €50 per month*, depending on your expectations.

What to choose?

As a starter, starting self-employed person or association, it is sometimes difficult to know by yourself exactly what you need. Therefore, if you choose to work with us, it is perfectly possible to start with a small basic website and gradually expand it with more and more pages and/or functionalities. Before we start expanding, you will always get a clear picture of what you can expect and what it might cost. That way, you will never face any surprises.

*Prices quoted are purely indicative.